We recommend these booksellers:
Andrew Isles (for second hand natural history books)
Nokomis (for new natural history books)
CSIRO (for an extenstive selection of scientific books)
Here are some titles that we have supported, funded or partly funded:
- Stories beneath our feet: exploring the geology and landscapes of Victoria and surrounds by Leon Costermans and Fons VandenBerg, Muckleford Books
- Nature Unmasked by Stephen Platt, here’s a free PDF Nature Unmasked, or email Stephen to purchase a copy (Nature Unmasked)
- The Great South West Walk by Warwick Sprawson and Yasmin Kelsall https://greatsouthwestwalk.com/shop
- Bird Walks of Castlemaine castlemainebirds.com by Damian Kelly
- Twenty Bushwalks in the Mount Alexander Region by Friends of the Box Ironbark Forests fobif.org.au
- Native Peas of the Mount Alexander Region by Bernard Slattery and Bronwyn Silver fobif.org.au
- Wattles of the Mount Alexander Region by Bernard Slattery, Ern Perkins and Bronwyn Silver fobif.org.au
- Eucalypts of the Mount Alexander Region by Bernard Slattery, Ern Perkins and Bronwyn Silver fobif.org.au
- Mosses of dry forests in south eastern Australia by Cassia Read and Bernard Slattery fobif.org.au
- Nudibranchs and related molluscs by Robert Burn, Museum Victoria MV Publications
- The Action Plan for Australian Mammals 2012 by John Woinarksi, Andrew Burbidge and Peter Harison through CSIRO Action Plan for Australian Mammals Order Form
- Working with Weeds Guide on the Weeds Network website – all on-line and free. Click here to access.
- Recreating the Country by Stephen Murphy EmPress Publishing
- Eagles, Hawks and Falcons of Australia by David Hollands
- Wildlife of the Box-Ironbark Country by Chris Tzaros CSIRO
- The Bowerbirds by Clifford and Dawn Frith
- Australian Guide to Birds by the Gould League
- Moths of Victoria by the Entomological Society of Victoria
- Flora of the Otway Plain and Ranges by Enid Mayfield parts 1 and 2 CSIRO