List of All Awarded Grants



Round Organisation Project title (Description) Awarded Category
2024 Aug Beyond Bolac Keep it in the Paddock: protecting wetlands in a cropping landscape $29,250 Research & science
2024 Aug Diana Robledo Ruiz Leadership Development Grant $5,000 Community capacity building
2024 Aug Arid Recovery Spotting Quolls: AI-powered population estimation for conservation $5,000 Research & science
2024 Aug University of WA Frogs on fire: Rapid assessment of wildfire impacts on an Endangered peatland endemic to inform prescribed burn practices $4,962 Research & science
2024 Aug Mycommunity – Applied Mycology and Learning Lab Inc. Response of soil fungi to a severe storm damage event in Wombat State Forest $10,027 Research & science
2024 Aug Wombat Forestcare Faunal Research Project $4,867 Research & science
2024 Aug Little White Whale Project Drone Insights: Tracking Southern Right Whale Habitats on Australia’s South Coast $8,800 Research & science
2024 Aug Glenelg Nature Trust Preventing extinction of the Endangered Yarra Pygmy Perch in the Limestone Coast $30,000
(two instalments)
Research & science
2024 May Gippsland Threatened Species Action Group Cool Temperate Rainforest Survey $7,550 Research & science
2024 May Merri Creek Management Committee Using Citizen Science with the CALD community to protect Growling Grass Frogs on the Merri Creek $5,500 Research & science
2024 May University of Armidale Testing for rat predation on the critically endangered Christmas Island blue tailed skink $5,000 Research & science
2024 May Curtin University Decrypting dolphins: understanding the link between critically endangered Burrunan dolphin vocalisations and behaviour $5,000 Research & science
2024 May Royal Botanic Gardens Genetic analysis to guide the re-introduction of a locally extinct threatened species of Banksia in northeast Victoria $6,600 Research & science
2024 May Flinders University & The Kangaroo Island Landscape Board Evaluation of Kangaroo Island artificial reef structures $5,000 Research & science
2024 May BirdLife Bass Coast Promoting community trials to conserve EPBC-listed Vulnerable Blue-winged Parrots $6,026 Research & science
2024 May Women’s Environmental Leadership Australia (WELA) Support for program participant $3,000 Community capacity building
2024 May Australian Wildlife Conservancy Intern program 2024 $11,500 Community capacity building
2024 May Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club Updating and reprinting the flora guide $1,000 Community education
2024 Feb Landcare Victoria Victorian Landcare Forum in Bendigo $2,000 Community education
2024 Feb Life Under the Wharf Tathra wharf seahorse habitat restoration $13,315 Research & science
2024 Feb Grassland Earless Dragon Alliance The lost dragon: a race against extinction to rediscover the critically endangered Bathurst Grassland Earless Dragon $10,820 Research & science
2024 Feb Friends of Jirdarup Bushland Birds of Jirdarup $6,000 Community education
2024 Feb Uni WA Unlocking microbial diversity: conservation and biosecurity applications in microalgal species $5,000 Research & science
2024 Feb Fungimap Inc Federal protection for Tea-tree fingers $5,000 Research & science
2024 Feb Environs Kimberley Broome community seagrass monitoring project $9,845 Research & science
2024 Feb Tasmanian Land Conservancy Conservation interventions to safe-guard the marsh-leek orchid $9,850 Research & science
2024 Feb Regent Honeyeater Project Facilitator $26,000 Community capacity building
2024 Feb Women’s Environmental Leadership Australia (WELA) Support for program participant $3,000 Community capacity building
2023 Nov Wildcare Friends of Deal Island Deal Island Ragwort beetle project $4,510 Research & science
2023 Nov Grow West Grow West program facilitator funding $25,000 Community capacity building
2023 Nov Understorey Network Website and Tasmanian native plant database redesign $10,912 Community education
2023 Nov Friends of Brisbane Ranges Investigating the housing shortage for Brush-tailed Phascogales and other threatened species $10,912 Research & science
2023 Nov BEAM Mitchell Environment Group Mitchell Shire’s natural treasures brochure $2,000 Community education
2023 Nov Victorian Mallefowl Recovery Group Malleefowl resource use across agricultural mosaics $19,820 Research & science
2023 Aug Ecosystem Management and Biosecurity Solutions Protecting Pandanus in QPWS managed tenure of the Discovery Coast $18,000 Community capacity building
2023 Aug Conservation Council of WA Gaining a greater understanding of bat populations in WA though the power of citizen science $20,000 Research & science
2023 Aug Hobsons Bay Wetland Centre Training volunteers to monitor bird populations in the Cheetham and Altona Key $12,085 Community education
2023 Aug Cannibal Creek Landcare Studying the bandicoots: a community survey of Southern Brown Bandicoots $16,600 Research & science
2023 Aug Arcadia Coastcare National Park walking track booklet $10,000 Community education
2023 May Whittlesea Community Connections Nugal Biik Seeds $20,000 Community capacity building
2023 May Sturt Upper Reaches Landcare Group Using new knowledge to prioritise recovery of the endangered Southern Brown Bandicoots in the Mount Lofty Ranges $14,845 Research & science
2023 May Urban Bushland Council WA Inc Capacity building workshops for urban bushcare groups $10,500 Community capacity building
2023 May Clinton Connor Monitoring threatened fauna in the Southern Jarrah Forest to address current knowledge gaps $11,468 Research & science
2023 May University of WA Population demographics and colony-vegetation interactions of a Little Penguin colony on a little-known south coast island in Western Australia $1,500 Research & science
2023 May Australian Wildlife Conservancy Intern Program (in collaboration with Cybec Foundation) $10,500 Community capacity building
2023 Feb  Bookend Trust Cracking the calls: building Tasmanians’ capacity to monitor bat conservation status $9,300 Research & science
2023 Feb Green Heroes Jungarra Ngarrian Conservation Project $7,200 Community engagement
2023 Feb Boonah and District Landcare Nest tube project-volunteer tree climbers $9,994 Community capacity building
2023 Feb The Black-throated Finch Recovery Team Establishing a robust monitoring program for the Endangered Black‐throated Finch: Acoustic recorders and site selection $10,604 Research & science
2023 Feb Wetland Revival Support for worker in the landscape restoration program $30,000 Community capacity building
2022 Nov Museums Victoria The Sounds of Recovery: Enabling communities to lead bushfire recovery wildlife monitoring with ecoacoustics $11,902 Research & science
2022 Nov Friends of the Brush-Tailed Rock-Wallaby Endangered Wildlife Kids Trail $5,000 Community education
2022 Nov Wollombi Landcare ‘Hollow Homes’ Study for better Glider homes $9,250 Research & science
2022 Nov University of Western Australia Robust measures of anti-predator behaviour in Western Australia’s critical weight range mammals $5,000 Research & science
2022 Aug Brisbane Catchments Network Inc Brisbane’s Big Butterfly Count – Third Round $7,000 Research & Science
2022 Aug Nature Conservation Society of South Australia (NCSSA) Updating knowledge on the threatened Southern Emu-wren (Eyre Peninsula) $11,983 Research & Science
2022 Aug The Moreton Bay Foundation SEQUEST $9,784 Research & Science
2022 Aug Gulbali Institute, Charles Sturt University Finding Ngabi – Empowering traditional owners to survey the endangered grey snake Hemiaspis damelii in NSW $5,000 Research & Science
2022 Aug UNSW Sydney Establishing a DRAGNet long-term experiment site on Scottsdale Reserve $1414 Research & Science
2022 Aug Yarra Riverkeeper Association Partnership Broker Training $1485 Community Capacity Building
2022 May University of Adelaide Red-tailed phascogale reintroduction to South Australia: History, Diet, Habitat Use and Genetics $5,000 Research & science
2022 May Nature Glenelg Trust Recently described, highly threatened but unknown: addressing basic knowledge gaps for the Cudgegong giant spiny crayfish $9,560 Research & science
2022 May Blackwood Basin Group Engaging farmers to protect threatened species in the Boyup Brook and West Arthur Shires $13,659 Research & science
2022 May University of Newcastle Movement ecology and site use of shorebirds in NSW estuaries $4,950 Research & science
2022 May Desert Discovery Inc 2022 Desert Discovery expedition to Yeo Lake Nature Reserve WA $7,382 Research & science
2022 May Mt Rothwell Landcare Volunteers Inc. Monitoring endangered marsupials $6,000 Research & science
2022 May National Parks Conservation Trust Anangu caring for Tjakura on country $7,500 Research & science
2022 May Friends of Alberton West State Forest Helping hands for biodiversity $15,000 Research & science
2022 Feb Australian Wildlife Conservancy Intern Program 2022 $10,500 Community capacity building
2022 Feb Conservation Ecology Centre Improving the adoption of innovative drone-based monitoring techniques for mammal conservation in the face of a flammable future $7,849 Research & science
2022 Feb Mudgegonga Landcare Wetland regeneration through cool burning management $5,500 Research & science
2022 Feb Kentlyn Bushcare Hairy Geebung Recovery Project $2,605 Research & science
2021 Nov Thorsborne Trust Pied Imperial Pigeon long term monitoring $2,000 Research & science
2021 Nov wood4good Comparitive biodiversity monitoring around Crosbie Forest $7,000 Research & science
2021 Nov The Karrkad Kanjdji Trust Density and activity analysis of budjiked (feral cats) around northern quoll populations in the Warddeken IPA $8,000 Research & science
2021 Nov Griffith University  Multi-species restoration: a comparison of shellfish reef development when single and multiple foundation species are used in restoration $5,000 Research & science
2021 Nov Deakin University The effects of Cool Temperate Rainforest gradients on bryophyte ecological functions $5,000 Research & science
2021 Nov Friends of the Barwon Project Worker $30,000 Community capacity building
2021 Nov Loddon Plains Landcare Network Project Worker $30,000 Community capacity building
2021 Aug Wetland Revival Project worker $30,000 Community capacity building
2021 Aug University of Western Australia Assisted colonisation of the western swamp turtle  $5,000 Research & science
2021 Aug Ecosystem Management and Biosecurity Solutions Protecting and Regenerating Battered Threatened Pandanus Populations of the Agnes Water/1770 Region $9,300 Community capacity building
2021 Aug Turtles Albury Wodonga (Wodonga Urban Landcare Network) Saving our endangered turtles $4,574 Research & science
2021 Aug Northern Gulf Resource Management Group (NGRMG) Turtles in trouble: protecting freshwater habitats in the remote Gulf region $9,941 Community education
2021 Aug Stephen Platt Discovering Victoria’s Ecosystems – learning how to see and interpret nature $10,000 Community education
2021 Aug Friends of the Box Ironbark Forests Castlemaine walks Guide $1,000 Community education
2021 May Bacchus Marsh Platypus Alliance When the Platypus River Turns Orange: Monitoring and Addressing Impacts of Sedimentation On Platypus $9,760 Research & science
2021 May National Malleefowl Recovery Team Camera-traps for covenanted malleefowl habitat as part of nationwide study into the effectiveness of conservation actions on malleefowl $4,900 Research & science
2021 May Kirsten Hengen Leadership Development Grant $5,000 Community capacity building
2021 May Swamps Rivers and Ranges Facilitator wages (second half) $15,000 Community capacity building
2021 May Yarram Yarram Landcare Network JARR Project worker wages $30,000 Community capacity building
2021 Feb Tasmanian Land Conservancy Building resilience in Tasmanian Eastern Quoll through supplementation of wild populations $9,300 Research & science
2021 Feb Halfmoon Biosciences  Identifying foraging hotspots for a tropical tern community at Australia’s most significant seabird breeding site: the Houtman Abrolhos National Park $9,997 Research & science
2021 Feb Winton Wetlands Making it possible to hear them growl here again! $15,000 Research & science
2021 Feb Kings Park Science Genetic consequences of vertebrate pollination for plant mating $10,000 Research & science
2021 Feb Murrumbidgee Landcare Collecting seeds to rebuild our Valley $4,500 Community capacity building
2021 Feb Friends of the Box Ironbark Forests Pea guide $1,000 Community education
2020 Nov Karin Traeger Leadership Development Grant $5,000 Community capacity building
2020 Nov Swamps Rivers and Ranges Facilitator wages (half) $15,000 Community capacity building
2020 Nov Mallee Landcare Group Tempy Primary School Monitoring Malleefowl Nests throughout the Mallee $2,175 Research & science
2020 Nov Jessica Keem Ground-truthing Malleefowl mounds using LiDAR imagery $2,500 Research & science
2020 Nov Murray Mallee Landcare Network Small tools for training $2,000 Community capacity building
2020 Nov GLENRAC Providing Homes for our hollow nesting species $13,780 Research & science
2020 Nov Sherbrooke Lyrebird Survey Group Nest defense and cause of failure in the iconic Superb Lyrebird (phase 2) $5,800 Research & science
2020 Nov Deakin University The impacts of time since fire and fire frequency on the diversity of fungi and vascular plants in a heathy woodland $5,000 Research & science
2020 Nov Southern Brown Bandicoot Regional Recovery Group Camera trap survey of Bass Coast bushlands, public and private for SB Bandicoots $13,206 Research & science
2020 Nov Connecting Country Support for monitoring programs $15,000 Community capacity building
2020 Aug Melissa Sheedy Leadership Development Grant $5,000 Community capacity building
2020 Aug Newstead 2021 Fire for healthy country $10,000 Community capacity building
2020 Aug Thorsborne Trust Pied Imperial Pigeon long term monitoring $2,000 Research & science
2020 Aug Coastal Dry Tropics Landcare Native seed storage fridge $1,200 Community capacity building
2020 Aug University of NSW Ecosystem effects of western quoll reintroduction on prey species inside a fenced reserve $3,120 Research & science
2020 Aug Australian Wildlife Conservancy Investing in the future generation of conservation scientists through AWC’s unique Internship Program $9,600 Community capacity building
2020 Aug Nature Foundation SA Inc Investigating population dynamics and declines of the threatened Thick-billed Grasswren $6,640 Research & science
2020 Aug BirdLife Birds on Farms (part 3) $10,000 Research & science
2020 Aug wood4good Establishing a biodiversity baseline in functional-forest at Crosbie Forest $7,843 Research & science
2020 May Erin Weir Leadership Development Grant $5,000 Community capacity building
2020 May University of Western Australia The response of reptiles, ants and termites to urbanisation: a case study from Perth $5,000 Research & science
2020 May Albury Conservation Company Threatened arboreal mammal monitoring in Albury Wodonga $9,400 Research & science
2020 May Ecosystem Management and Biosecurity Solutions  Protecting and Regenerating Battered Threatened Pandanus Populations of the Agnes Water/ 1770 Region $9,300 Community capacity building
2020 May Lithgow and District Community Nursery Heatbed for bushfire regeneration propagation $1,573 Community capacity building
2020 Feb University of Western Australia Genetic characterisation and behavioural ecology of the western grasswren  $5,000 Research & science
2020 Feb Making a Difference (MAD) for the Merri Community Monitoring Program for the recovery of Platypus/Rakali Populations in South West Victoria $11,119 Research & science
2020 Feb Taronga Conservation Society Australia Tracing origins, resource use and movements of green turtles in NSW: implications for conservation management $8,100 Research & science
2020 Feb YACTAC (Yanco and Tributaries Advisory Council) Community-based Platypus monitoring in the Yanco Creek $15,000 Research & science
2020 Feb Mycommunity – Applied Mycology and Learning Lab Inc. Wild Fungi DNA $12,436 Research & science
2020 Feb Friends of the Great South West Walk Flora, fauna and ecology guide for the Great South West Walk $10,000 Community education
2020 Feb BirdLife Australia Action Plan for Australian Birds 2020 $10,000 Community education
2020 Feb Connecting Country Reprinting the woodland bird brochure $1,415 Community education
2019 Nov Australian National University The hidden costs of rising temperatures and the importance of thermal refugia to an arid-zone bird (2nd year) $4,957 Research & science
2019 Nov Denmark Environment Centre Red Tingle forest flammability and vegetation research project $9,967 Research & science
2019 Nov NT Govt, Parks, Wildlife and Heritage Division Olive Ridley threat abatement project: Coburg Peninsula $12,500 Research & science
2019 Nov Blue Mountains Conservation Society Monitoring of a maternity colony of White-striped Freetailed Bats $7,600 Research & science
2019 Nov Philip Zylstra Drivers of positive feedbacks in alpine ash forests $10,000 Research & science
2019 Nov Swamps Rivers and Ranges Landscape Restoration Program – Project Worker $30,000 Community capacity building
2019 Aug Beyond Bolac Landscape Restoration Program – Project Worker $30,000 Community capacity building
2019 Aug Thorsborne Trust The Pied Imperial Pigeon: long term monitoring of population trends at North Brook Island, NQ $2,500 Research & science
2019 Aug Deakin University Restoring the sediment microbiome for successful seagrass recovery $5,000 Research & science
2019 Aug Swamps Rivers and Ranges Bird Monitoring Workshop (part of the Wettenhall landscape restoration program) $1,485 Community education
2019 Aug Loddon Plains Landcare Network Sustainable agriculture across the Loddon Plains (part of the Wettenhall landscape restoration program) $10,000 Community education
2019 Aug Yarram Yarram Landcare Network Water quality monitoring to inform future projects in the Jack and Albert River Catchments (part of the Wettenhall landscape restoration program) $10,000 Research & science
2019 May Australian Bird Study Association Painted Honeyeaters and Mistletoes $4,900 Research & science
2019 May Sherbrooke Lyrebird Survey Group Nest defence and predation in the iconic Superb Lyrebird $5,290 Research & science
2019 May Grampians Flora Gariwerd Colours, Plants of the Grampians National Park $6,000 Community education
2019 May Mitch Burrows A Field Guide to the Native Flora of Millowl (Phillip Island) $9,850 Community education
2019 May Kara Kara Conservation Management Network Improving seedling survival and resilience in a drying climate $9,200 Community capacity building
2019 May Australian Quoll Conservancy Inc Investigation of sex and breeding status in the Spotted-tailed Quoll in Victoria and North Queensland $9,290 Research & science
2019 Feb Swamps Rivers and Ranges Landscape restoration program coordinator $30,000 Community capacity building
2019 Feb Beyond Bolac Catchment Action Group Frogging on the Victorian volcanic plains $6,000 Community education
2019 Feb Ecosystem Management and Biosecurity Solutions  Protecting and Regenerating Battered Threatened Pandanus Populations of the Agnes Water/ 1770 Region $9,300 Research & science
2019 Feb The Karrkad Kanjdji Trust The Mayh (species) Recovery Project $10,000 Research & science
2019 Feb Kija Rangers Rainforests in the East Kimberley: The last refuge for threatened mammals on Kija country $9,750 Research & science
2019 Feb Friends of the Box Ironbark Forests Establishing a baseline monitoring program for the endangered Eltham Copper Butterfly at Kalimna Park $9,600 Research & science
2019 Feb Nature Foundation SA Inc.  Yellow-footed rock-wallaby recovery program $9,878 Research & science
2019 Feb ReForest Now Improving collection techniques for Endangered Species $5,000 Research & science
2018 Nov Connecting Country  Renovation rescue: improving homes for Brush-tailed Phascogales $14,100 Research & science
2018 Nov Flinders University  Post Office Rock Erosion Study, Management and Education $1,200 Research & science
2018 Nov Bandicoot Recovery Action Group  Bandicoot Recovery Action Project $4,730 Research & science
2018 Nov Mt Rothwell  Powering our Threatened Species Programs $6,000 Community capacity building
2018 Nov Beyond Bolac Catchment Action Group  Habitat Restoration Projects Audit $10,000 Research & science
2018 Nov Friends of Organ Pipes National Park  Testing novel supplementary habitats for Australia’s hollow-dependent fauna $9,600 Research & science
2018 Nov Halfmoon Biosciences  Marine debris at a major seabird breeding colony the Houtman Abrolhos $4,740 Research & science
2018 Nov Renmark Paringa Landcare  Just Add Water: Renmark Environmental Watering Community Monitoring $9,300 Research & science
2018 Nov Wooragee Landcare Group  Traditional Fire Knowledge as a tool for landcare in the North East of Victoria $9,800 Research & science
2018 Nov Victorian Wader Study Group Inc  Database update and accessibility upgrade $8,000 Community capacity building
2018 Nov BirdLife Southern Queensland  Powerful Owl Project $9,700 Community education
2018 Nov Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment  Assessing the foraging and roosting of the Critically Endangered Christmas Island flying-fox – a keystone pollinator and seed disperser $3,680 Research & science
2018 Aug CQ University Genetic Isolation of the Capricorn Yellow Chat on Curtis Island $5,000 Research & science
2018 Aug Ecocean Inc Understanding movement patterns and critical habitat usage for the endangered whale shark (Rhincodon typus) in Australian waters to assist conservation planning. $9,983 Research & science
2018 Aug RMIT University Key steps to aid the recovery of the endangered karak (red-tailed black cockatoo) and buloke (bull oak) in south-eastern Australia $5,000 Research & science
2018 Aug Friends of the Forgotten Woodlands Understanding the spatial limits of population connectivity in an iconic Australian plant species, Banksia marginata $5,810 Research & science
2018 Aug Greg Clancy Susan Island Fauna Survey $8,000 Research & science
2018 Aug BirdLife Australia Birds on Farms $20,000 Community education
2018 Aug Qld Trust for Nature Partnering to restore Mahogany Glider habitat using fire $9,490 Research & science
2018 Aug Blue Whale Study Photo-identification of Blue Whales and Marine Science Youth Mentoring Program $6,600 Research & science
2018 May Winton Wetlands Will we hear them growl here again? Feasibility and preliminary analyses of proposed Growling Grass Frog Rewilding program at Winton Wetlands $10,000 Research & science
2018 May Arid Recovery Using spot patterns to measure recruitment in reintroduced Western Quolls $7,380 Research & science
2018 May BirdLife NQ Habitat and Foods of Gouldian Finches in Queensland $3,420 Research & science
2018 May Upper Barwon Landcare Network Monitoring Platypus and other species in the Barwon River $8,000 Research & science
2018 May Environs Kimberley Building conservation capacity for Night Parrots in the Kimberley $9,979 Research & science
2018 May Kangaroo Island Land for Wildlife Protecting the KI dunnart through the KI Land for Wildlife program $10,000 Research & science
2018 May Friends of Warrandyte State Park Interpreting Frogland and the Pollinator Garden $4,004 Community education
2018 May University of Tasmania Developing Bird Identification Aural Skills for Enhencing Participation in Environment Conservation $4,679 Community education
2018 May Australian National University The hidden costs of rising temperatures and the importance of thermal refugia to an arid-zone bird $4,346 Research & science
2018 May Yuraygir Landcare In Community Hands with Conservation $11,800 Community education
2018 May Violet Town Action Group BirdLove $5,000 Community education
2018 Feb Graham Fifield Leadership Development Grant $5,000 Community capacity building
2018 Feb Yarram Yarram Landcare Network JARR Project $30,000 Community capacity building
2018 Feb Damien Cook Wetland Revival $3,195 Community capacity building
2018 Feb Falls Creek Environmental Interest Group Falls Creek Environmental Education Signage $4,000 Community education
2018 Feb Falls Creek Environmental Interest Group Falls Creek Environmental Education Signage $4,000 Community education
2018 Feb Damian Kelly Bird Walks of Castlemaine $3,250 Community education
2018 Feb Dandarrga Landcare Dandarrga Landcare Native Nursery Project $4,000 Community capacity building
2018 Feb Hindmarsh Landcare Network Bird monitoring to measure revegetation success $7,200 Research & science
2018 Feb Dolphin Research Australia Healthy Waterways – Healthy Dolphins: Citizen Scientists Protecting Dolphin Communities $9,735 Research & science
2018 Feb Australian Platypus Conservancy Conservation of the Australian Water-Rat – ACT community survey $10,000 Community education
2018 Feb BirdLife NQ Conservation of the Carpentarian Grasswren in the Northern Territory $6,000 Research & science
2018 Feb SACReD Putting South Australia on the Marine Species Map $8,000 Research & science
2018 Feb Karajarri Traditional Lands Association Reef Monitoring Collaborative Project $10,000 Research & science
2018 Feb Beyond Bolac Catchment Action Group From tight corners to valued habitat $5,000 Community education
2018 Feb Federation University Australia To what extent do planted corridors and windbreaks on farms contribute to habitat for native invertebrate wildlife $4,968 Research & science
2018 Feb Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority The critical role of vertebrates for pollination in south west WA $10,000 Research & science
2018 Feb Tree Kangaroo and Mammal Group Distribution, abundance and demographics of the northern spotted-tail quoll $10,000 Research & science
2017 Nov Conservation Ecology Centre Evaluating the impact of 1080 baiting upon foxes in the Central Otways using non-invasive genetic tagging $7,500 Research & science
2017 Nov Thorsborne Trust The Pied Imperial-Pigeon: long-term monitoring of population trends at North Brook Island, North Queensland $2,000 Research & science
2017 Nov Hunter Wetlands Centre Australia Freckled Duck release and monitoring program $10,000 Research & science
2017 Nov Latrobe University Using volunteer owner and pet dog teams to protect Victorian biodiversity $5,000 Research & science
2017 Nov The University of Melbourne Remote sensing of Greater Glider habitat-determinants for population and abundance estimations on a landscape-scale $5,000 Research & science
2017 Nov Turtles Australia Turtles in The Classroom and Conservation Dogs and Turtles $6,300 Research & science
2017 Nov Blue Mountains Conservation Society Blue Mountains Bat Night $600  Community education
2017 Aug  Regent Honeyeater Project  20 Years of Reflection and Learning  $15,000 Community education
2017 Aug  Environmental, Sustainability & Conservation Committee  Rainbow Bee Eater $5,250 Research & science
2017 Aug  Cape Paterson Residents and Ratepayers Association Inc  Undertow Bay Foreshore Fauna Survey $6,500 Research & science
2017 Aug  Territory Natural Resource Management  Savanna Fire and the Gouldian Finch $8,500 Research & science
2017 Aug  Terrain Ecology  Protecting the Kangaroo Island dunnart through community on ground action $15,000 Research & science