Wettenhall can receive donations from the public, and from individual philanthropists and philanthropic organisations. These donations are added to our funds – the more donors who support our work, the more grants we can make.
Wettenhall has worked with other philanthropic organisations to create specialised giving programs, and have included:
The RE Ross Trust
The Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation
The William Buckland Foundation
The Ian Potter Foundation
The Worrowing Fund
The Yulgilbar Foundation
Current giving programs and major donors within Wettenhall’s Small Environmental Grant Scheme include:
The Biophilia Foundation
The Albert George and Nancy Caroline Youngman Trust (through Equity Trustees)
The Vera Moore Foundation
The Williams Fund (sub-fund the Australian Communities Foundation)
Diana and Brian Snape AM
Purryburry Trust
There is also the opportunity for businesses to donate to our programs. Thanks to Wood Park Wines in the King Valley for supporting our work with landscape restoration, particularly donating to support the Swamps Rivers and Ranges program in the North East of Victoria.
Thanks go to all our donors, big and small, who regularly support our work. These donors are acknowledged in our Annual Report.